Welcome and Introductions
Meeting begins at 6:02pm
Josh Heumann
Mac Mckinley
Stephanie Neely
Rich Gunderson
Denny Carass
Marilee Dea
Claire Alyea
Laura Young
David Sweet
Isha Leinow

Agenda Topics
Board Succession Planning
December General Meeting Topics
Newsletter Editor
Transition for Mac and his position for layout of Cully moves
Transition for Denny
Land Use Transportation Updates
Getting public officials to meeting

Public Comment Period/December General Meeting Topics
● Denny – Wants the agenda to be public ; Website lists the meeting at being at the Grainger’s house. Wants newspaper transition publicly announced. Is concerned about the CNN grant – it was not sent in.
● Issue of switching coalitions raised
● Marilee – Next month restaurant businesses will be at the meeting. Sammos, Beeswing, Prince Coffee, Perlot. Farmer Ted selling Xmas Trees for the farmers market. Pop up shop presentation.
● Stephanie – Previously suggested we continue a holiday idea. There will be a holiday raffle with Michael DeMarco. Board unanimously agrees to buy a tree/tree coupon to be raffled off. Agree to post it on the meeting agenda. Raffle tickets available at CNN.
● Board agrees to change meeting from Dec 25 > Dec 18

Next Meeting(s) Agenda Ideas
● Stephanie – got an email from an Oregon Humanities representative (Alexis) about reaching out to neighborhood organizations to bring up the idea of facilitating conversations.

● David – Wants to bring Sukre to a meeting to discuss changes in neighborhood organizing/OCL
● Josh – PBOT wanted to come back to talk about renaming Killingsworth. David is not sure we need him to come back. Ron thinks it is interesting to have him present. Denny agrees – last land use meeting was very full.
● Marilee – Land Use manager wanted to come talk about the investigation into what happened with the fire.
● Mac – Something about Cully Plaza later in the year.
● Make an annoucement about needing Communications Committee help (Newspaper/Website)

Board Succession Planning
● Isha – concept of building the leadership pipeline behind you, so there are people that can fill roles when/if people step down. Known/likely departures – should think about how we want to position the roles.
● Rich – this has happened before with the board nominating people. Wonders if anyone will be stepping down from their current positions.
● Josh – How do we continuously engage others.
● Laura – Agrees that it is better to be thoughtful and intentional. It would be a good idea for each person on the board to have a second in mind for the positions available. We do need to be thinking now about the elections in April. We want to make sure we are bringing in positive elements. It can’t be guaranteed that she will be able to run next year.
● Mac – He will likely go in the spring.
● Stephanie – May lose the eligibility to be on the board because of potential business closure.
● Open positions/ up for election in the Spring: David & Isha & Claire will run again. Rich’s position expires next year. Denny is interested in running on the board.
● List of potential candidates (are they coming to board meetings / involved in the neighborhood org in general):
○ Danielle Walker mentioned at the last meeting that she will be running again in April
○ Going St Commons
○ School System
○ Columbia Ecovillage residents
○ Cully Grove residents
○ Cully Blvd Alliance / Our 42nd Ave Board Members
○ Pallet 42 Owner (Bobby Stewart) / New People with Businesses in Cully
○ Jake – Isha will follow up
○ Denny
○ Laura Hallett – Josh will follow up with her.
○ Candidates at the Friday coffee
○ Ted Snyder
○ Mike Krupper
○ Susanne Raymond (Columbia Slough Watershed Council)
○ Cully Cleanup Volunteers
○ AJ, manager of NEFP or Cece Estevez – they might also
○ Members of Hacienda
○ Fernando Madrid – communications manager for Rigler
○ Greg Sotir

Email and Administrator Permissions
● Laura – number of benefits to having personal email related to CAN board and activities. The website was tied to Chris’ email so Stephanie could not timely pay a bill. If we have board specific emails the succession would be easier. Personal security/liability of personal emails. Ownership of intellectual property so extra emails
● Denny – Concordia has email addresses for the
● Stephanie – Cully Association of Neighbors @gmail.com ; cully cleanup address
● cullyneighbors.org email would be preferred
● Website, Finances at a minimum should have emails that can be accessed administratively and not private email addresses.
● We have items on the website that is not accurate. Chris has a link to CNN calendar. CAN meetings are posted on CNN calendar incorrectly. Sandra might be able to fix it.
● An intro role to CAN board could be website manager – Maybe Greg Sotir?

Announcement from the Newsletter Editor
● Currently having trouble with current printer
● Reached out to Morel Ink to get quotes about changing printer

Newspaper Transitions
● Layout person needs replacing
● Outreach position needed
● Communications Committee? – Board generally approves
● Make an announcement at the next meeting
● Stephanie – might be a good idea to give a list of bullet points of what is needed and let the person create the position around it
● David – Can we get defined, written position descriptions?
● Denny – wants to be a workgroup instead of a committee

TLC Updates
● David – Some will be going to NAYA for a meeting tomorrow. David will be talking about community engagement.
● David wants to get more Metro has given money to PBOT to do preliminary designs for Cully Blvd improvements between Fremont + Prescott and a new crossing at Skidmore + Cully. Redoing the 5 corners triangle. Killingsworth between Cully Blvd and Portland Highway. Cully Park access Phase 2 – crossing improvements at 72nd and 75th. 75th will be the main entrance. Extending Alberta greenway East to 205. Neighborhood greenway on 47th including sidewalk infill.

PSU Traffic and Transportation Class
● Josh took PSU traffic and transportation class. Educates about what the systems and depts are. Recommends people take the class.
● Denny – went to a PBOT ride along for vehicle inspection of abandoned vehicles.

Other Business
● Denny – election of secretary, remove vote count from minutes. Isha argues for transparency but it is not felt strongly. David moves to leave it in.
● David made a motion to keep the ballot count in the minutes. Approved.

Action Items
Laura – reach out to Greg
Isha – reach out to Jake; Announcements about the open positions written and on the table.
Mac – reach out to Sandra
Josh – reach out to Michael Krepper; Reach out to Chole Dail
David – reach out to Sucree, Joann Hardesty, mayor
Denny – reach out to Fernando Madrid + Ceci Esrtaviz
Marilee – reach out to Alice Bosch
Stephanie – collecting raffle items to Michael DeMarco

David motions to adjourn. Rich seconds. Meeting Adjourned 7:57pm

Parking Lot Items
Possibility of changing Coalitions
Board Succession – Revisit in January