Cully Association of Neighbors Board Meeting
April 24, 2018, 4779 NE Going St, 6:15p – 8:15p

Board Members Present: Laura Young, David Sweet, Annette Pronk, Jake Antles, Stephanie Neely, Isha Leinow, Josh Heumann, Mac McKinlay, Rich Gunderson

Community Members Present: Denny Karas

Meeting brought to order 6:15pm

Public Comment: Denny suggests that the General Meetings have a shorter minutes approval process so that we may free up time for other things. Many people were not at the meeting the minutes refer to, or they may not care about the details. Laura suggests we clarify requirements from CNN about bylaws.

General Meeting Supplies:
Mac is looking for someone to hold on to the extra meeting supplies (cups, plates, etc). Annette volunteers to hold onto materials, and bring sufficient materials to the general meetings.

Laura suggests we update the Board procedures document to reflect what folks are bringing to the meetings and their roles.

General 8 Meeting Agenda:
Mac runs us through agenda. We expect ORANG and expect many questions and discussion, we will limit this to 15 minutes. Then there is Native Habitat Certification from Audobon, 30 minute presentation. Cameron, may present. We have 30 minutes for him to discuss Living Cully, housing, and anti-displacement.

Community building: Jake would like at least 4 minutes for 1-to1, Isha suggests 10 minutes as a good community building block so that folks can share back and forth and then briefly with the group. Rich suggests more board members take on the greeter role to talk with residents. Laura notes that a mid-meeting community building break would be helpful. Isha notes that the ice breaker in the beginning helps set the tone for the meeting and encourage participation. Stephanie suggests both.

Opportunity zone letter:
Denny would like us to discuss Opportunity zone letter at General Meeting, and wants more of the membership to read. Powerful and brought tears to his eyes. We will e-blast it.

June 12 Meeting:
Our 42nd presentation, Michael DeMarco. Possibly Cully Blvd Alliance.

Celebrate! Acknowledge what we accomplished together this past year, what has happened in Cully, updates from committees, engage volunteers and celebrate them. We plan on having pie.

May Board Meeting:
Budget. We will not repeat this years late budget passage. Rich would like to see how the budget relates to the action plan. Laura wants to see a giving line item to capture our gifts and grants. Isha, would like to see our priorities called out. Stephanie wants to bring draft to May meeting, then finalize at June board meeting. Rich would like to make the budget at the June Board meeting the priority. Mac clarifies, that we would like to see draft budget before May meeting so that we may view it and comment on it. Wide agreement to this. Stephanie will provide draft budget for us to review a week before May Board meeting so that we may discuss it then and then accept it at the June Board Meeting.

David will be gone, so the meeting will need to be elsewhere. Columbia Ecovillage, may be able to host. Possibly Isha’s house. May 22nd

Cully Clean-up:
Josh, report a great clean-up. All the board members shared the plethora of things they found. Relatively lower than average number of volunteers, but tenacious hard workers. Income: $800 from sponsors, $4,510 cash from vehicles, Credit card $361, $435 from yard sale. Total: $6,417.57. This is an early estimate of overall gross income. Rhonda and Jessica have information on quantity of material. It was successful, and board members discussed opportunity to improve for next year. There will be a survey to get feedback from the community and volunteers, and a meeting with the organizing committee to reflect.

Residential Infill Project Letter:
David reminds us of the process of the RIP and formation of letter.
Rich moves we approve the letter, Josh seconds. All present, in favor.

55th and 57th street LID letter:
David shares that the city council is meeting tomorrow to decide on the 55th/57th streets LID and he will give testimony to council based on the letter that the board approved that supports the proposal.

Action Plan:
Laura and RIch both say they would like board members to take more formal ownership of action plan items. We start going through items, proposing edits.

Communications Team:
We will have a board retreat July 1, to go over communication documents, strengthen our intra-board communication.

David motions to end meeting, Mac seconds all approve 8:11pm