Our next Cully Transportation and Land Use Committee meeting will take place virtually on Tuesday, June 7, 7:00 pm. We will get updates on several Cully projects, including two that will take advantage of new rules allowing more units in residential zones. Join the meeting at, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5034939434?pwd=eG9WQVordFVWV0lhQUIybWZ5eUlUQT09.

  • Folks from Pacific Power will present the latest on their proposed new service center at 7600-7800 NE Killingsworth behind the Comcast facility.
  • Paul Del Vecchio of Ethos development will tell us the latest plans and timeline for Alberta Village a possible 76-unit residential development at 7601 NE Alberta, just north of Sacajawea Park. This project has evolved from the originally proposed single-family homes to “missing middle” housing, taking advantage of the Residential Infill Project (RIP). Paul will also talk about Society 42, a co-living development at 42nd and Prescott.
  • Finally, we will hear about a smaller RIP project with a proposed six units at 4235 NE Holman Street, just east of NAYA’s Nesika Illahee apartments.

There will be lots to talk about. I hope you can make it.


David Sweet
Land Use & Transportation Chair
Cully Association of Neighbors