Cully Association of Neighbors Board Meeting, August 29,2017 at Cully Grove 4779 NE Going St, 6 to 8 pm.

Board Members present: Laura Young, David Sweet, Stephanie Nelly, Alma Velazquez, Jake Antles, Oscar Moreno Gilson, Rich Gunderson, Mac McKinley and Julie Granger. Community Member present: Denny Karas, Marilee Dea

Welcome and Introduction:

Rich Gunderson reported that the concert and movie at K Park was very successful. A large diverse group was in attendance.

Public Comment Period: none

September General Meeting Agenda:

Liz Mahon from PBOT was scheduled to come – she is the project mgr for Connected Cully and Connected Cully 2 but is not able to come. She will come in October.

Laura had sent a message out to the board prior to the meeting and asked for suggestions. David got back to her and said that Don Mazzioti, who is involved with a potential project at Broadmoor will come talk about the project. This will be an information presentation. At this time no support from CAN is being requested. Homer Williams, developer in the Pearl District among others places, is now focusing his work on homelessness and affordable housing. The project includes rezoning Broadmoor to industrial and up zoning small industrial sites throughout the city to residential and make them available for affordable housing. Some board members felt both sides to this idea need to be presented at the CAN general meeting as, it was felt, there will be opposition to this project. Jake suggested that once Don Mazzioti gives his presentation we have table conversations so neighbors can together formulate their thoughts and questions. Laura will give a lead in to the presentation stating that this is an informational presentation and that we will have table conversations lead by Jake following the presentation. Rich stated that he recollects making a motion at a recent CAN general meeting stating CAN is against rezoning open space.

Mac stated that when people come in to present their project they are merchandizing. We need to be careful about whom we have come present. Laura disagreed with this saying we should not withhold information from CAN about potential projects in the area, that members can listen to information and make their own decisions.

Following the presentation there will be 20 minutes of table discussion and 10 – 15 minutes to give back feedback.

Denny said that sometimes controversial projects first come to the board then to the general meeting (eg. the Northwest Regional Re-entry Program), but that means the board is judging what is controversial. Information provides understanding.

Community Support:

• Grace Presbyterian: board voted to give $300. Oscar said he has not paid it. Laura will send a letter to them telling them our plan to send a donation in November. She will give information to Oscar so he knows who to send the check to – name and address.

Mac asked that board look at the CAN meeting plan document he prepared. A discussion followed with ideas for presentations: emergency preparedness (Red Cross); State and local leaders; panel on housing including City Council Member Eudaly, Hacienda, Living Cully, Habitat for Humanity; Stephanie suggested we get feedback at the general meeting and include a list of possible speakers that could speak to items listed on our action plan. Mac will revise his sheet to pass out at the September General Meeting.

It was suggested we ask the membership to help with finding speakers.

It was also suggested that we ask for a volunteer to attend the monthly police meeting held at CNN to bring back information to the group since the police are no longer able to attend our meeting.

42nd Ave Bridge Letter: The City will start making decision about funding in September. Laura moved that the board support the letter to Major Wheeler regarding the NE42nd/47th Avenue bridge replacement. Second by Oscar. Rich asked if there was any known opposition to this bridge replacement. No one knew of any. CAN is already on record for supporting this project as the bridge is structurally inadequate. In addition there is no bicycle access to NAYA or Whitaker Ponds. Motion carried.

Support for Cully Park: Rich sent out (eblast) to CAN requesting community support. Jake made a motion that CAN support the campaign to help finish Cully Park with a $2000 donation. Laura seconded. They have already raised $11,000 of the needed $75,000. Oscar amended the motion upping the contribution to $5000. Second by Mac. Laura amended the motion to say that CAN will match donations received after September 1st from the community up to $5000. Second by Jake. Motion carried.

PBOT Grant Support Letters:

Living Cully Community Wayfinding Project – joint letter of CAN and CBA supporting Living Cully’s application. Mac moved to support the letter, Jake second. Motion carried. Laura abstained.

PBOT Portland in the Streets Community Grant. Cully Blvd Alliance (CBA) applying for grant to create a more welcoming, safe and accessible community space within the pedestrian right of way located at the five corners interaction. CBA is asking CAN for $500 for the kiosk. Oscar moved to support the letter and that CAN contributes $500. Second by Alma. Concerns were

voiced about the safety for pedestrians at the intersections. We need to talk more with PBOT when they come to one of our general meetings. Motion carried. Laura abstained. Laura will include Rich on the threads about the master plan for the 5 corner area.

Propel Community Design Center support letter: They are applying for a Livable Streets Grant in order to open up and improve the abandoned Right of Way on NE 62nd Ave between NE Emerson and NE Killingsworth. David moved that we support this letter, second by Jake. Motion carried. Mac abstained, Laura abstained.

Board Member & Volunteer recruitment and timeline: Did not have time to discuss.

Review ad Approve 2017/18 Action Plan: Jake held a meeting to work on the action plan. He brought an updated plan with 5 changes.

• under Clean Air, Green Spaces and Water: (1) add Support Cully Tree Team’s efforts to preserve and enhance the health of Cully’s tree canopy. and (2) add Monitor airport related issues. It was mentioned that the airport noise office system crashed this summer because of the high volume of complaints. Laura will be attending their meeting on Sept 14th and will bring CAN’s complaints.

• under Community Economic Development: add Support Cully businesses by purchasing and advertising their goods and services or by reaching out to them for donations at our sponsored events (i.e. Cuisine in Cully and Cully Clean Up). It was decided to strike the i.e. section.

• under Land Use and Housing: add Where it supports the goal of this section, advocate for policies and projects that maintain and expand agricultural opportunities, tree canopy and wildlife habitat in the neighborhood

• under Outreach and Community Building: add Research and implement ways to ensure that all people of Cully feel welcome to attend CAN meetings and make whatever accommodations are feasible to ensure a positive experience. Additionally, when direct feedback is desired from under-represented groups, make an effort to formally invite representatives from these groups to a general meeting or send a CAN board member to attend one of their meetings if granted time on their agenda. It was decided to delete the word additionally at the beginning of the second sentence and make that sentence another bullet point. Also, it was decided to replace ‘if granted time on their agenda’ to ‘if granted time for a discussion’.

Laura moved to add the 5 new items as amended to the CAN Action Plan for 2017 – 18, second by Mac. Motion carried.

Old business: no time for discussion.

Mac and Laura reported that they met with Resolutions NW and agreed to move forward with CAN hosting a gathering with CNN for current and past board members in the fall. Laura also met with Alison from CNN and Resolutions NW and they decided to have Alison, Kathy and Laura get together and discuss the idea of having a past/current board appreciation gathering. Rich echoed this approach and suggested that perhaps at this point it would just be best to have an informal gathering with food and drink. Adjournment: Laura adjourned at 8:06

Denny will pick up pastries from Grand Central for general meeting in Sept.