Cully Association of Neighbors Board Meeting September 26, 2017 4779 NE Going St, 6 to 8 pm

Board Members Present: Mac McKinlay, David Sweet, Julie Granger, Rich Gunderson, Oscar Gilson Moreno, Stephanie Neely, Laura Young (late)
Community Members Present: Marilee Dea, Denny Karas, both arrived late
Welcome and Introductions: Thanks to Cully Grove for space for meeting.
Public Comment Period: No community members present.
Guidelines Document: Julie will resend to board one week before October board meeting for all to review so we can make changes and or approve. We discussed the general meeting tasks, (first page of document). The organizational tasks need to be discussed.

Procedures Documents:

David would like to remove bolding in current document. He would like to see a committee of 2 or 3 to redraft. Rich, Mac and David agreed to get together after Oct 11th. David will set up meeting. They will bring back their draft at a future meeting.

2017 Budget: Oscar presented the new budget. Comments: Proposed budget projects a $4500 deficit and at the last board meeting we approved a $5000 donation for Cully Park thus putting us at a $9500 deficit this year. Most board members expressed discomfort with this. Mini grant last year had some issues. It was proposed to cut the mini grant budget to $1000 or $2000 or even eliminate mini grants this year due to the fact that we donated $5000 for Cully Park. Questions arose around the two grant lines (121 and 100). It was stated that Our 42nd Ave granted CAN $1600 for newsletter translation – did they and where is it entered on the budget sheet? Since Laura was not yet in attendance the board decided to table the budget discussion until Laura is present.

Outstanding questions to Laura for next board meeting:
How much was Jessica paid for her position as lead on the Cully Clean up?
Why are we 1600 short on newsletter grants (line 121)? Who gave what for the newsletter?
Why is there no amount in other income grants (line 100)?
What is the (915.96) CBA/CNN (line 100)

October General Meeting Agenda items: Audubon will present at meeting and Cully Tree Team will report on trees on the site, followed by table discussion. Speakers will be allotted same amount of time as presenter at September General Meeting.
Anne Hill from PBOT will also present about the neighborhood streets program and local transportation infrastructure charge.
Julie will not be at the meeting and Stephanie volunteered to take minutes.

Community Support:

Blue Sky grant to Verde letter – Verde asked for CAN’s support of their community solar project to generate power for low income community members. There were two word changes made to the letter. Oscar moved to approved the letter as amended, second by David. Motion approved.

Cully Park Support update: Laura reported that she had received a call from Living Cully reporting that they had received close to $6000 within a day of the elast with the CAN challenge grant of $5000.

75th and Roselawn development project: A pre-application conference was held concerning a potential development at NE 74th and Roselawn St. The applicant is interested in building large homes. PBOT was wondering if Cully would prefer a denser development be built on this property. It was stated that our inclusive policy document would show that we favor smaller, more affordable houses. David expressed concern about making a statement prior to an application being made. There will be ample time and opportunity for public comment. No support was given.
Other potential development:

4240 NE Killingsworth St. A small company owns this land and wants to build a 2 story building. Their manufacturing business would be on the first floor and there would be 6 ‘maker’ spaces on the second floor. He is working with Our 42nd Ave and has their support. He needs city approval for an adjustment because he wants to build his building further back on the lot than is required per city code for commercial buildings. His plan is to create a place of pedestrian interest with inviting landscape and space for small
concerts, meeting etc. on the street side of the lot. Julie moved that CAN support the letter for the adjustment, second by Mac. Motion approved.
CAN received a letter last week from the Presbyterian Church where our monthly general meetings are held. The church is now going to be charging for use of their building. The fee for groups of 75 people or less is $75 with $25 refunded if the facility is returned to its original state. Regularly scheduled events may be negotiated. Laura and Mac will meet with the church regarding this change and see what can be negotiated. It was felt that this might be our opportunity to find another place for our meeting. PCC at 42nd and NE Killingsworth and Colwood Golf Course were mentioned as other possibilities.
Oscar moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Mac. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Julie Granger