This listing will be updated with
1) list of board slots open for the election. This list is from Josh’s memory.
President position will be open ( current Josh Heumann )
Vice President position will be open. ( current Mac McKinlay )
Secretary position will be open. ( current Claire Alyea )
treasurer position will be open. ( current Stephanie Neely )
Two at-large positions. ( Current Rich Gunderson and Isha Leinow)
6 positions out of 9 total board positions

Links to Minutes from last board meeting in March, Multi-Dwelling Mapping project letter and Ethos devel information are there now.

The Cully Association of Neighbors Board will be meeting remotely next Tuesday, May 26, 6-8 pm. The link for attending is: Scheduled agenda is below.

Welcome and introductions (5 minutes)
Public Comment Period (5 minutes)
Approval of previous minutes (March) (5 minutes)
Ethos Subdivision letter of support (vote) (15 minutes)
Multi-Dwelling Mapping Project letter of support to BPS (vote) (15 minutes)
Holding elections (how to hold elections) (20 minutes)
Election candidates (10 minutes)
Newsletter update (10 minutes)
Other business?
Adjourn (5 minutes)

200324 CAN Board Meeting Minutes
Ethos Subdivision
Multi-Dwelling Mapping Project