CAN Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, July 24, 2018, 6-8pm
Cully Grove Common House
4779 NE Going Street

1. Welcome and introductions
2. Public Comment Period
– no public attending

3. The need for community involvement in the development of the expanded PCC Workforce Center (David)
– Laura has taken the position of workforce development management for the PCC workforce center under Abdul, Interim Director. As such, Laura will recuse herself from this conversation
– David had a meeting with Michael DeMarco at our 42nd Ave. Michael is concerned that Cully won’t be sufficiently engaged in the building, planning, and outcome of the project in a location of significance to the neighborhood.
– Concerns include a list provided by Michael, which will be attached as provided.
– David mentions the level of interactability between the community and the campus (contrasted with his impression of the Cascade campus as being inward-facing and not engaging to the community from the outside).
– David proposes sending a letter to the bond committee or the center directly expressing these concerns, and circulating it to Verde, Our 42nd, Hacienda, et al.
– No vote requested at this time.

3.5 The new post office site (behind Colwood)
– Tony DeFalco has proposed that a Cully Mitigation Fund be created to as part of the Broadway Corridor fund to mitigate the environmental and traffic issues that Cully will incur as part of the Post Office’s move.
– David has reached out to the post office, but has gotten no response.
– There is an event tomorrow night

4. Discussing proposed speakers for the next annual cycle and the agenda for September’s meeting (Isha/Mac)

– September meeting
– Trimet?
– David to reach out to Jennifer

– October meeting
– Theme: election
– Portland clean energy fund

– November meeting
– Theme: Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative groups: Michael DeMarco (Our 42nd Ave) and Eron Riddle (CBA)?
– Josh to reach out to Suk Rhee
– Mac to reach out to Michael on Friday
– Later: Laura to reach out to Eron

5. Newsletter topics

Mac would like us to write one check for the year’s worth of newsletters so we don’t have to go through a hassle every month

Alma is going to stop working on the newsletter
Currently her timeline is unknown
We should develop some material to send to the email list, including breaking them down into smaller roles to make them easier to take them on
Laura to talk to Alma to get a sense of the current role and her timeline
Annette would like to offer to have a regular role in adding a emergency preparedness item to each newletter
Letters to the editor
A regular column by Cameron Harrington or someone similar

Mac is also looking to stop working on the newsletter

6. Improving the CAN website (Mac)
7. Other Business
TLC meeting
three developers attended
new warehouse development behind Comcast

8. Adjourn