CAN Board Meeting , January 23, 2018, 6 to 8 pm Cully Grove Common House 4779 NE Going St.

Board Members Present:  Rich Gunderson, Mac McKinlay, David Sweet, Laura Young, Josh Heumann and Julie Granger

Community Members:  Starr Hogebom

Public Comment:  Starr reported  that the Cully Tree Team is applying for a grant for more trees to replace the 15 birch trees along Cully Blvd that died.  They need a nonprofit org to receive the money so she came to the board meeting to ask for our help.  David moved that we approve the Tree Teams grant request to East Mult Soil and Water Conservation District for tree replacement on Cully Blvd.  Second by Josh.  Motion carried.

Starr will send Laura a statement of what exactly they are asking and Laura will put it on CAN letterhead so Starr can take it to CNN, our fiscal agent.  Laura will put on leader head.

David moved that we approve the Tree Teams grant request to East Mult Soil and Water Conservation District for tree replacement on Cully Blvd.  Second by Josh.  Motion carried.

Friends of Trees will have trees available again this year ( $10 for conifer trees and $35 for other varieties).  Landlords will be contacted by Bureau of Environmental Services.  Cully Tree Team is having difficulty finding a location for the tree distribution. We brainstormed possible sites.  Rich said he could possibly help with contacting Morning Star Baptist Church.

February General Membership Meeting:  Oscar and Alma will give a presentation on Portland Public Schools:  district reorganization;  cluster work – courageous conversations about race;  Rigler and Scott structure;  dual immersion 101 and why;  volunteerism.  Other agenda items include a vote on Just Energy Transition and Cully Clean Up.

March General Membership Meeting:  Not going to work to have new Police Chief Outlaw as she  is too new to her job.  Housing is an issue that people are talking about.  There is a one point of contact for calls about RVs and vans parked with people living.  Disabled vehicles line.  Laura will contact Rich Rogers with Community Development  Partners to come share about the affordable development project at NE 42nd and Holman.

Community Support Requests:  Two support letters

NAYA Holman 42 mural:  Metro Grant request – actual letter given out

Verde Cully Way Finding:  Metro Grant request – no copy of letter available but is basically similar to the NAYA letter.

David moved that we approve the two letters for Metro Placement Making Grants, Holman 42 and Verde Way Finding.  Rich second.  Motion carried.

Board reviewed a letter provided to us by Hacienda CDC in support for Living Cully Plaza Workfor Housing Initiative RFA.  Board needed to made changes to reflect CAN’s position.  A number of changes were made to the letter.  Laura will make them and send the final draft to the board.  Josh moved to accept the letter as amended. Second by Mac.  Motion Carried.

Cully Clean Up:  Committee has formed and is continuing to move forward.   Thenext commitee meeting is scheduled for Feb 7th at Columbia EcoVillage Community Hall, 6 to 8 pm. Volunteers are needed and all board members need to help personally recruiting.  Announcement will be made at every general meeting.

Report on CAN TLC meeting:  David reported : Connectrd Cully Phase 2 – walking and biking infrastructure on NE 72nd is no longer a federally funded project so it will be build 2019-2020 instead of 5 years out.  Connected Cully Phase 1: filling sidewalk gaps on Killingsworth and Prescott, Neighborhood greenway on 55th  serving Rigler and another street serving Scott, Cully Blvd sidewalk infill improvements,  crossing treatment at Mason St, restriping of Cully to provide a bike lane are summer projects and will be worked  in 2018.   PBOT attended the TLC meeting and discussed 60th Ave and potential changes to be made.  They studied traffic and determined that 70% of cars traveling that artery late afternoon are not neighborhood vehicles but are pass through.

Amanda from PSU joined meeting.  She part of a class project  working on asset mapping.  She was assigned to attend a public meeting.  We invited her to also come to your next General Membership Meeting.

New Business:  Rich reported that the movies in the park is going to be more than we initially budgeted for.  Laura moved that we increase the budget amount from $850 to $1000. Second by Rich. Motion carried.

February board meeting will be held at Granger’s home.  Julie will send notice to Chris to update website.  Julie to send her address to all board members.

CBA Community and Business Event networking event.  March 21st 6 – 8 pm at Beeswing.

Old Business:  Topic:  How do we support each other and redirect or stop inappropriate behavior in general meetings:  personal attacks, misuse of time (off topic), inappropriate language to keep moving along. Board brainstormed on possibilities of addressing this type of situation.  It was decided that a poster is set out at General Meetings with meeting guidelines.  Julie will look at guidelines established as board meeting in 2017 and send ideas to the board.  Laura will get Julie poster board.  Julie to make sign by February general meeting.

Laura will check with Oscar about final version of budget and will bring it to February board meeting.  Oscar to send copy of final budget to board prior to meeting.

Julie is stepping down from the board as secretary. Rich Gunderson would like to also step down from the board/Parks but will not do so unless there is a replacement. Board needs to develop an intentional/personal recruiting process.

Mac moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Rich.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm


Respectfully submitted by Julie Granger