Cully Association of Neighbors Board Meeting June 27, 2017, Cully Grove 4779 NE Going St, 7 to 9 pm

Board Members Present: Stephanie Neely, David Sweet, Jake Antles, Mac McKinlay, Laura Young, Oscar Moreno Gilson and Julie Granger

Agenda was created:

• Action plan feedback

• Guidelines

• Operating procedures

• Retreat check in

• Land use letter for Fernhill Crossing

• Cully Stand Together event

• September agenda

Stephanie Neely moved to approve agenda, second by David Sweet. Motion carried.

Action plan feedback: Jake worked with Isha putting the activity together for the CAN meeting on June. Feedback from discussion included: when CAN is working on issues/projects ask community to help e.g. help at Thomas Cully Park; increase diversity and age at CAN meeting; partner(coalition building) with Living Cully, NAYA, Hacienda, Verde – who already work with a diverse community; more outreach for Can mini grants; more guest speakers, lobby day in Salem for Cully related issues, Colwood Park should be in our action plan (use of clubhouse); want Broadmoor to stay as an open space; explore a site for a Cully neighborhood landmark; enhance tree canopy in Cully – trees in open space section; community economic development – relationship with CBA and Our 42nd Ave – for all of Cully – Columbia Corridor; engage with Cully businesses; need to add something about farming in Cully, open space/large lots. Next steps? At CAN general meeting asked if others were interested – 15 signed up; Jake will lead subcommittee to work on Action Plan. He will determine a meeting time and announce meeting via eblast and Nextdoor. Once the group comes up with specific things in relationship to Parks, Land Use etc, they will prioritize what things CAN should focus on. Much of the Action Plan relates to overarching goals of CAN. Action items need to be determined.

Laura asked for feedback about ‘having time to socialize’ at the monthly meeting. People feel the meeting should start and end on time and that perhaps there ought to be interaction time at every meeting so people do get to know one another more.

Guidelines: Board worked on the Guidelines document. Updates will be made to the document and attached to these minutes.

A few other items were discussed: Mac will redesign the meeting announcement board that is placed outside the meeting location on meeting days. One side English, one side Spanish.

It was suggested that we Identify Spanish speaking community leaders and ask them to the CAN meeting. Should child care and food be available as a meet draw? (5:30 dinner, mtg 6 to 8) Many of the topics of our meetings are not a draw, and if leaders come they could take info back to their community; ask what the community would like to hear about/learn at our meeting.

There was a discussion about CAN support of Grace Presbyterian Church – our general meeting space . Oscar will check what we have given to Grace in the past, when the last time we gave was and the amount. He will email info around to board.

Land Use letter for Fernhill Crossing: David brought a draft of a letter in support of the Fernhill Crossing. It is a planned development which is one that does not pay attention to specific lot dimension but looks at the site as a whole. It is a discrenary process. It does bring housing to Cully. It is not affordable housing. They presented at the last CAN general meeting and some concern was expressed about the cost of the units. Oscar Moved to approve this letter of support,

second by David Sweet. There was further discussion. Julie expressed concern about the board process in that the draft letter was not send out to the community in a timely fashion. It was decided that the letter needed to include how the project aligns with our Inclusive Cully Policy: the need for more housing, our concern about gentrification and that it takes pressure off of existing housing and it is the best use of a difficult site. The development will also bring more people into the business district.

Laura Amended motion to include: these three criteria from Inclusive Cully Policy. Motion carried. One abstention, Julie Granger

Cully Stand Together event: Laura asked for volunteers to staff table at event. Julie 11 – 1, Mac 1- 3 Laura 11 to 3. Laura will get trinkets table, canopy and chairs. Mac to bring copies of CAN brochure to Julie. Jake will send copy of Inclusive Cully Policy to Ronda for copies and Laura to pick up.

Operating Procedures: We did not have time to work on this document.

Retreat check in: We did not have time to talk about this.

Next CAN Board meeting: July 25th at 6pm at Cully Grove.

Meeting adjourned: Jake moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Oscar.

Meeting adjourned at 8:19pm.

Respectfully submitted by Julie Granger